Alchemy (AY)

Center: Interpersonal
Triads: Immersing • Escaping • Exchanging

Basic Description
The Alchemy instinct (AY) is about feeling truly alive through tracking the intensity of attraction, chemistry, and energy present in interpersonal dynamics. AY is driven by the desire to immerse fully in the emotional, psychological, and energetic exchanges that occur between people, seeking to ignite transformative and novel experiences through deep interpersonal engagement. For those with Alchemy in their stacking, relationships are not just about connection—they are about interpersonal immersion that leads to transformation. Alchemy is about the mystery and magnetism found in human relationships, where full engagement allows one to feel alive and psychologically enriched.

AY 1st (AY/–/–)
For Alchemy dominants, life is experienced through the raw chemistry and attraction that exists between people. They are constantly scanning their environment for energetic connections that can pull them into deeper psychological or emotional immersion. Alchemy dominants feel alive when they can decode the mysteries of other people, often engaging in intense and transformative exchanges that elevate their sense of aliveness.

They seek out moments of interpersonal eruption, where both parties can escape the mundane and enter a heightened emotional or psychological state. For them, relationships are about transforming energy—whether through passion, intrigue, or shared ideas—and these connections become the ultimate high. They immerse fully in the moment, seeking out intensity and novelty, often desiring experiences that rupture their perception of normalcy and thrusts them into a new perspective of the dynamic between themselves and others.

Alchemy dominants are highly sensitive to the subtle cues and energetic exchanges between people. This type is attuned to body language, tone, and the underlying tension of interactions. They look for psychological mystery, always wanting to understand what lies beneath the surface of others, while also inviting others to dive deep into their own persona. This instinct values the unpredictable and explosive nature of relationships, believing that full immersion in another’s energy is the most profound way to live.

IPS vs. ISP Stackings
In IPS, Alchemy is fueled by the Purpose instinct, where the search for meaning drives the desire for intense interpersonal exchanges. The person uses their understanding of purpose to engage more deeply in relationships, seeking transformative connections that align with their more flexible purpose-filled pursuits. The exploration of the purpose behind human connection is seen as a way to unlock intensity and desired chemistry within their relationships. Purpose feeds into Alchemy, providing a sense of direction and significance in their relational experiences.

In ISP, Alchemy is supported by Self-Survival, where the individual’s exploration of the body and its physical needs enhances their pursuit of interpersonal immersion. Relationships are vastly intensified through sensory experiences, and a feeling of limitless exploration in the world with a partner becomes the high. Self-Survival feeds into Alchemy, making the world a vehicle for experiencing greater aliveness in the moment and enhancing all potential psychological exchanges.

AY 2nd (–/AY/–)
When Alchemy is second in the stacking, it plays a supportive role to the primary instinct, enhancing the individual’s pursuit of their core desires through deep interpersonal immersion. AY second individuals don’t need to be constantly immersed in others, but when they do engage in relationships, they seek out rich, energetic connections that feel transformative and intriguing. They are drawn to moments of psychological exchange that help fuel their primary instinct and allow them to feel interpersonally alive.

Alchemy second individuals may use interpersonal immersion as a way to rejuvenate or enhance their life pursuits. They often find that intense relationships give them the emotional energy and psychological clarity they need to tackle other areas of life. For them, relationships serve as a source of psychological inspiration—a way to ignite passion and drive their primary goals forward. Their engagement with others is deep and meaningful, but they are selective about when and how they engage in such experiences.

SIP vs. PIS Stackings
In SIP, Alchemy manifests through flexible interpersonal exchanges that are tied directly to the self-survival instinct. The individual seeks to engage with others in ways that help enhance their day-to-day resources, using interpersonal chemistry to navigate the present and ensure they are connected to the people and relationships that provide a sense of stability and sensual satisfaction. Relationships are often seen as tools for personal indulgence, where passion and energy are exchanged to feel more present, independent, and stable in life.

In PIS, Alchemy is more about using relationships to explore higher meaning and purpose, engaging with interpersonal dynamics in a way that fuels questions of wonder or long-term goals. These individuals use the intensity of relationships to help guide their search for meaning, often immersing in the chemistry between people to gain a deeper understanding of their purpose. The relationships they engage in help them pursue broader life goals, and interpersonal immersion becomes a tool for achieving personal growth and existential clarity.

AY 3rd (–/–/AY)
When Alchemy is in the last position, individuals often experience a temperamental relationship with deep interpersonal immersion. At first, they may find it difficult to fully engage in the intense psychological dynamics of relationships, feeling uncomfortable with the idea of fully immersing themselves in another person’s energy because they cannot quite find the right fit. They might avoid relationships that feel too complex to get the desired hit–coming off as picky in needing the hit immediately rather than navigating the nuance of Alchemy.

However, once they learn how to integrate Alchemy into their life in a way that aligns with their primary and secondary instincts, they discover that deep, transformative relationships can bring a sense of profound satisfaction. Once they understand how interpersonal immersion enhances their broader search for purpose, they become more open to rich psychological exchanges and learn to appreciate the mystery and sudden passion that relationships offer. AY last individuals ultimately find that these intense moments of chemistry can fuel their sense of aliveness, but it often takes time for them to feel that the dynamic is fully worth the energy it takes to achieve this feat.

PSI vs. SPI Stackings
In PSI, Alchemy serves the individual’s purpose-driven pursuits, where interpersonal immersion is used as a tool to pin down life objectives. Relationships become a way to unlock meaning and significance, and interpersonal chemistry fuels the individual’s quest for understanding and philosophical growth. The intensity of these exchanges helps the person feel more connected to their higher purpose.

In SPI, Alchemy plays a more immediate role in driving sensory and survival needs, where the intensity of interpersonal connections helps individuals feel more alive in the moment. The focus is on using relationships to enhance present-moment engagement, where the chemistry between people provides a feeling of energy and vitality that enhances the overall experience of life through its abruptness. Relationships become a way to explore the physical world and its purpose through immersive experiences.

Tension & Lines
Alchemy is the tension between the self-management and community instincts. On one hand, these individuals are driven to track their own vitality and bodily desirability to enhance their attraction like the self-management instinct. On the other hand, they are driven to track their connections and place in the world to evaluate available potentials like the community instinct. The tensions between these two inner drives creates the specialized focus on the attraction, chemistry, self-expression, and sexual dynamics of the alchemy instinct.

Alchemy is connected to, and in turn, comprised of the bonding and fortitude instincts. When one is driven to track the attraction and chemistry of their relationships, they inherently focus on the bonds and reputation they have with others like the bonding instinct – as well as the endurance, need for excess and desired bodily gratification that enables the energetic explosion like the fortitude instinct. The sum of these two connecting instincts, multiplied by the tension between the neighboring instincts are what all culminate together to form the alchemy instinct.