Expanded Instincts

The Expanded Instincts are an original creation which expands, reorganizes, and adds in brand new categorizations to the three classic enneagram instincts. The structure of the system is modeled after the ego enneagram and represents the subconscious layer between the egoic unconscious mind and the communicative conscious mind. Expanded instincts consist of 9 instinctual realms, 6 center stackings and 27 instinctual archetypes. To learn more, Join TTV to view in depth classes. To get typed, Click Here.

Core Theory
The core component of the Expanded Instincts is the idea that aliveness can be extracted from the nine instinctual realms. Unlike the ego types in enneagram, the expanded instincts are not running from death, ego death, or perceived danger. There is no fear that drives the types, nor is there any sort of ego strategy that enables them to operate. Instead, they are running towards the feelings of vitality, aliveness, fulfillment, and instinctual highs. Typing yourself and others in this system will require you to make this VERY important distinction between these two concepts. In short, the expanded instincts will ALWAYS be positive symptoms–they are being added into your life to reach the instinctual high. Ego types in enneagram are negative symptoms, as they are all the ways in which you are limiting your personality to fit into one strategy that makes you feel safe or free from danger that leads to death. 

The Three Centers
In expanded instincts, there are three centers that contain three realms which represent different areas that offer instinctual highs. SUR represents the self with physical resources, INT represents the self with other people, and PUR represents the self with higher meaning or ideas.

Self-Survival Center (SUR)
The self-survival center is the realm of physical resources through the physical body, comfort, actions, skills, time-management, and ownership over spaces. This center can be split into three distinct realms: Fortitude (FD), Security (SY), and Self-management (SM).

Interpersonal Center (INT)
The interpersonal center is the realm of communication resources through people, relationships, dynamics, bonds, standards, and chemistry. This center can be split into three distinct realms: Alchemy (AY), Community (CY), and Bonding (BG).

Purpose Center (PUR)
The purpose center is the realm of conceptual resources through ideas, goals, existential thoughts, discovery, wonder, significance, reason, and introspection. This center can be split into three distinct realms: Self-significance (SS), Existentialism (EX), and Unknown (UN).

Extended Descriptions For Each Instinct

Fortitude (FD)
Security (SY)
Self-Management (SM)
Alchemy (AY)
Community (CY)
Bonding (BG)
Self-Significance (SS)
Existentialism (EX)
Unknown (UN)


The triads are three groups of instincts that share a similar perception, action, or movement within the context of the instinctual high. Below are explanations of the main three triad groups. 

Experiential Triads
These triads mark the different ways in which one prefers to perceive reality through the instinctual realms. The experiential triad is significant as it shows how one “hooks in to” the preferred instinctual realm, which results in three vastly different groups of behaviors. This triad is responsible for how one must see things to feel fully alive. It is the most significant triad for typing purposes.
Memorializing (SM • BG • UN)
The memorial triad prefers to view reality through the memories it can create. All experiences are tokenized through memorials and sought after as the true meaning of being fully alive. You must experience life through building mementos.
Immersing (FD • AY • SS)
The immersion triad prefers to view reality through fully present feelings, emotions, or energy. All experiences are merged with the feeling of being fully alive and you must experience it first hand to access it. You must experience life through full engrossment.
Distinguishing (SY • CY • EX)
The distinction triad prefers to view reality through the separate pieces of information that it is comprised of. All experiences are viewed as separate events, and gathering that information provides the feeling of being fully alive. You must experience life through comparing evidence.

Movement Triads
These triads mark the differences in the objects one manages to enable the connection to desired experiences and instinctual hits. The movement triad shows whether the focus is on managing the self, others, or the details between both self and others. This triad is responsible for how one deals with the current circumstances in their lives through forceful movement. This triad also reflects one’s energy while interacting with the world, which can be categorized as: yin, yang, or neutral.
Escaping – Yin Energy (SY • AY • UN)
The escaping triad moves away from the current reality to gain desired experiences. Any undesirable state of being is completely abandoned and “thrown out with the bathwater”. Moving the self and not the goalpost. This energy is yin in nature, as it is concerned with managing the self rather than the environment.
Aligning – Neutral Energy (SM • CY • SS)
The aligning triad moves towards or with the current reality at a constant rate to gain desired experiences. Any undesirable state of being is slowly and methodically let go of to make room for consistent growth. Moving the self and the goalpost. This energy is neutral in nature, as it is concerned with managing the details that exist between the environment and the self.
Directing – Yang Energy (FD • EX • BG)
The directing triad moves against the current reality to gain desired experiences. Any undesirable state of being is forcefully changed, questioned, or transformed at the will of the individual themselves. Moving the goalpost and not the self. This energy is yang in nature, as it is concerned with managing the environment rather than the self. 

Source Triads
The source triads mark the location that one believes the source of long term instinctual fulfillment lies. In contrast to the movement triads, these triads ARE NOT responsible for how one moves in the world, but rather one’s convictions about where the life-giving source resides – which provides the ultimate high.
Internalizing (SY • BG • SS)
The internalizing triad believes happiness, wholeness or completion is located somewhere deep within the self. Information is often extracted from the internal experience.
Externalizing (FD • CY • UN)
The externalizing triad believes happiness, wholeness or completion is located somewhere outside of the self. Information is often extracted from the external experience.
Exchanging (SM • AY • EX)
The exchanging triad believes happiness, wholeness or completion is located somewhere in the exchange between the internal and external world. Information is often extracted from shared or comparative experiences.
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