There are 24 unique types in Attitudinal Psyche. Furthermore, each type is part of a grouping of types that share a similar disposition and attitude. All types within the same grouping use the same methods to look at particular aspects of life. We call these the method dichotomies which are orientations towards either results or process. These groups are called the sextas and contain 4 types each. Click on the type or sexta below to learn more.
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The Seekers
Evolution Cycle: Experiencing chaos. Seeking the unknown and trying to understand what is happening through emotions, raw sensations, and comfort (or discomfort).
Role: Beginning lifecycles. Starting anew. Uncovering secrets, taboo, the hidden and bringing them to light through playful banter and discussion. Prefer comfort in the immediate environment, discomfort in the outside environment. Separating work and pleasure. Hands-on discovery of the new and interesting.
Cultural Significance: Enas are often found on the outskirts of any culture either through isolation, escaping or becoming anti-authoritarian. These types usually dedicate their lives to exploring, constantly reinventing themselves, or anxiously awaiting the next big high they can attain. There are no limitations that these types will accept for themselves as all things are potential shifts towards a more interesting present moment. This sexta is integral to humanity because they are the first groups of people to actively hoist themselves into new ideas, pleasures, adventures, experiments, and explorations.

The Engagers
Evolution Cycle: Organizing chaos. Engaging in endeavors that fulfill needs by promoting organization and clear-headedness.
Role: Interacting with the environment. Organizing information into systems and routines. Discovering the beauty of what is here in the moment through strong, vibrant emotion. Viewing life as a series of lessons that can be pulled from a bookshelf as needed. Managing chaos by systematizing information and enforcing efficient task-work.
Cultural Significance: Dios are usually found in the most technically active parts of any culture. This sexta is extremely hands on and needs to see the raw physical quality and potential of all things. For this reason, Dios are tinkerers. They love to try things out to see if there is any educational or artistic value that can be attained from it. Chaos is something that these types seek out, as it must be fixed or organized into an opportunity. This sexta is integral to humanity because they decide what becomes acceptable to integrate into society: be it for entertainment, education, or practical solutions.

The Creators
Evolution Cycle: Utilizing chaos. Creating higher levels of personal fulfillment through complex and creative standards of operation.
Role: Hedonistic imperatives. Enjoying life by evolving and overcoming. Changing the systems that have come before them. Creating higher, more nuanced standards of affairs. Letting loose, and doing what it takes to win, achieve more, and have fun while doing so. Encouraging creativity on a global level.
Cultural Significance: Trias can be found in the hustle and bustle of any culture. These types want to feel the strong energy that emerges from the contrast between work, play, and rest. For this reason, Trias make great achievers, social climbers, and entrepreneurs. All forms of energy or lack thereof are viewed as an opportunity to create new standards of living in all forms: career, leisure, competitive sport, etc. Creativity becomes the vessel for action. This sexta is integral to humanity because they challenge the status quo and push for creative ways of feeling fulfilled in life.

The Enrichers
Evolution Cycle: Calming chaos. Enriching the collective to become the best version of themselves through fine-tuning their standards and developing the self.
Role: Studying one’s own inner world. Creating depth in human affairs. Imagining utopia and how to negate the unseen issues that may arise. Calming the noise and distractions that plague humanity. Generating in-roads to causes and ideas to unite communities. “All roads lead to Rome”.
Cultural Significance: Tesseras can be found in the dense, rich and immersive parts of any culture. These types want to understand expectations and feel a sense of “rightness” within them. All efforts are seen as an opportunity to enrich what we already have and find the value in what already exists in our awareness. This sexta traverses within the self to recognize what matters to their own happiness, then expands these ideas into their surrounding environment. This sexta is integral to humanity because they uphold and refine standards to push their culture forward by resisting outside influence.

The Transmuters
Evolution Cycle: Unraveling chaos. Transmuting information from the past into high-level useful and novel ideas (In search of a modern day “Philosopher’s Stone”).
Role: Diving into the history of the world. Looking at timelines and the past to understand the present. Finding hidden nuggets of wisdom in every day objects and ideas. Philosophizing over the “truth and why it matters”. Fully assessing one’s surroundings and its worth, use or ideological value.
Cultural Significance: Pentes can be found in the scholarly and artistic underbelly of any culture. These types want to experience the past through the present by applying sacred knowledge to what’s currently happening in society. Patterns are a common theme in this sexta and they will come to life through the uncovering of paradigms even if it has to be done so vicariously. All communication is subject to rigorous observation. This sexta is integral to humanity because they bring meaning to the present and future through unravelling what has already happened.

The Resolvers
Evolution Cycle: Solving chaos. Resolving the issues that plague our personal and professional lives through wholeness, happiness, and pleasing sensation.
Role: Ending cycles. Bringing joy to one’s life. Learning how to harness emotions and willpower into happy solitude. Finding who you are and why that matters. Helping and serving the self as best as possible, while documenting the journey. Becoming one with all we’ve built.
Cultural Significance: Exis can be found in the thriving, flourishing, and wholesome parts of any culture. These types desire to feel a sense of internal completion no matter what they decide to do in life. For this reason, Exis need easy living where the only struggles are those that you have chosen for yourself. Everything must have a reason or else it is extraneous information that could potentially cause needless discord. This sexta is integral to humanity because they show us the roadmap to living a fulfilled life without worries, pointless struggles, or caving into the unfair expectations of others.