FVLE is the Attitudinal Psyche type that seems the most interested in how to survive and integrate themselves through any situation that may arise. The FVLE appears to be protecting their right to control and remain in-tune with their aesthetic sensibilities while resisting those who may criticize or encroach on the detailed construct that they have created for themselves. They may come off bright, embodied, aware of their surroundings, sensual, relatable, unshakable, and even seductive given the right combination of other personality types. The FVLE seems to want control over their identity through adventure, movement, and giving value to the things they choose to surround themselves with.

FVLEs have a very comforting approach to the Physics aspect. This type does not act out as aggressively as other 1Fs, but they are most certainly confident when they do act. They may keep their plans of their environment under wraps until they can act, which gives them a more laid back appearance in their confident aspect. FVLEs put themselves together well and project out an image of ease when it comes to how they dress. They are more interested in the quality and usefulness of objects rather than how it reflects their personality. For this reason, they come off incredibly down to earth and pragmatic. FVLEs can appear to lack any sort of aversion to hard work, and often make the most mundane tasks seem interesting and fun. However, this type tends to ignore demands or opinions from others about their desires and they complete projects at their own pace. If they want something done, they generally believe they can do it themselves, but this does not stop them from reaching out to others for ideas, or attempting to inspire others to create projects in their own way.

FVLEs are one of the most obvious 2V types. They are encouraging, diplomatic, and can listen to anyone’s needs and provide them with feedback and support when necessary. This type has an ability to fill a room with energy just by offering help and ideas, so they often fill the role of the “needed person”. FVLEs have a tendency to rise above conflict and struggle and can focus on what they believe matters in a situation, which is the configuration and implementation of ideas. There is an aversion to pain and dramatics that the FVLE seems to employ no matter what sort of decision they come to. For this reason, It is rare to see them become openly offended as they can evade negative emotions easily or conversely transform the negative into positive when at healthier psychological levels. This type believes that their future is something that is malleable and the journey to get there should be enjoyed. Due to this, FVLEs often know how to have fun and make daunting tasks seem easy to those around them.

FVLEs tend to be one of the less obvious 3L types due to their positive or, at times, neutralizing nature. However, this does not mean that their attitude is any less insecure regarding logic, just that they are more avoidant and sensitive to overt displays of aggression in the logical realm. This type does not like to get details wrong or seem as if they are limited in any way by how things operate on a theoretical basis. They may refuse to discuss the specifics, or only chime in when they are absolutely certain that they know the right answer. No matter what, this type does not want to be put within firing range of someone who is looking to prove others wrong. Due to this sensitivity, they often refuse to share their opinion on logic or quickly dismiss those who expect them to explain themselves when they make a decision or complete a task a certain way. FVLEs believe that finding the correct answer in public is a dangerous game that should only be played when they feel comfortable to do so. They may spend a lot of their personal time learning formal logic to support their vulnerability or completely detach from it and focus on what they believe matters in life: integration of their surroundings.


FVLEs are one of the most even-keeled 4E types. They tend to be open and interested in all forms of emotions when they are not busy with other parts of their lives. This type can sometimes fool others into thinking they are more emotional than they truly are because of their unflappable, solid nature and willingness to easily relate to and help others. FVLEs can give off the impression of not having any needs or weaknesses through behaving in a neutral, chill, fully embodied way. This can send out a false signal where this type appears to be in tune with their emotions, but contrary to this perception, they are completely unbothered and sometimes ignorant of what is happening internally. This type can look to others to solve emotional problems for them and may be at risk of being fed a false reality if they are not careful. FVLEs believe that their own emotions are way less useful than the notions of others, which can lead to a self-neglect over time. It benefits FVLEs greatly to take time to check in with how they feel about people so they do not become trapped in undesirable dynamics.

FVLE Millie Bobby Brown
FVLE Chris Martin
FVLE Sandra Bullock
Ep 125 James Spader 1
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