FEVL is the Attitudinal Psyche type that seems the most interested in building an environment that matches up with their penchant for enjoyment, easy relating, and avoidance of being controlled. The FEVL appears to be protecting their need to engage in what they find satisfying by resisting any sort of rush or expectation placed on them. They may come off as vibrant, festive, funny, goofy, relatable, easygoing, practical, materialistic, earthy, hedonistic, sensual, and interested in aesthetics. The FEVL seems to want control over their identity through enjoying what they want in the moment regardless of anyone else’s plans or opinions about what they should do with their life.

FEVLs have a strong focus on enjoyment and personal pleasure with their relationship to the physics aspect. This type knows what they desire in their environment and quickly moves towards achieving the goals they have created. They tend to develop routines and comfortable habits to keep themselves entrenched in a constant state of enjoyment. However, this does not mean FEVLs never shift out of their routines into new ones as they are highly impressionable to new ideas. This type is notorious for becoming enamored by new products that can aid in their satisfaction towards life. They may spend money freely with no regards to debt or consequences as they believe it is their right to get what they want. It can take many years for FEVLs to learn how to contain their spending and this can spill out into the physical energy realm as well. FEVLs may become so obsessed with their vision of a perfectly enjoyable life that they over-exert themselves physically and crash hard. This can cause them to go into hermit mode and they can lose track of friends and relationships for days at a time. Nonetheless, this type will not be down for long and can quickly recover and bounce back from negative experiences in life.

FEVLs have an unusually stoic, friendly, and relaxed 2E. At first glance, one might believe that the FEVL has a 3E or 4E attitude due to how quiet they can be, but upon further digging it becomes apparent that this type is open, encouraging, and interested in a positive disposition towards emotional expression. They may sit on the sidelines and let others “vent” to them, or strategically make their way into conversation with those who they notice have something emotionally heavy on their mind or heart. FEVLs have an immense amount of patience when it comes to talking through sentiments and feelings. They will hang around others through the rollercoaster of emotions that can inhabit their mind, all while asking clarifying questions and creating an atmosphere that encourages sharing. Whether someone needs to gossip about the latest thing they have heard or needs to let loose about a tumultuous phase of life they are struggling through, FEVLs will be there to process out all relevant information with the person. However, this does not mean that you can push this type around. FEVLs do not want to be told what to do or criticized for their methods and can quickly detach or shut people out who insinuate that they are unhelpful, manipulative, untrustworthy, or uninteresting. Overall, This type believes that the emotional realm is to be explored as it is a never ending adventure that cannot hurt you if you do not let it.

FEVLs have a surprisingly aggressive 3V that is often kept under wraps. This type has a strong underlying paranoia that they will never be able to catch up with the issues that life throws at them. They worry about the future and can become overwhelmed by scenarios where they are expected to do things that they do not want to do. This inner turmoil can come out through small tells in the FEVL’s normally calm disposition. They may leave small sarcastic hints of their disdain towards an idea or voice a biting response while smiling. For this reason, you may think that this type is more comical than serious, but this is just a defense mechanism to keep from detonating. To truly unleash a FEVL’s aggression, one must forcefully take away their enjoyment and expect them to be responsible for things completely outside of their scope (this is not recommended). Of all 24 types in Attitudinal Psyche, this type has the most capacity for explosive and unrelenting anger, however, this is very rare. FEVLs often push down their rage and fight back against doubt so they can keep pleasure at the top of their awareness, but nevertheless, there are moments where negativity has to be expressed. This type believes that their future is a giant question mark and they must protect themselves from being swallowed up by expectations.

FEVLs have a strangely active and interested 4L. This type is curious about what others think, believe, and do. They tend to listen to the opinions of others with a patient inquisitiveness. However, this does not mean that they will add endless opinions of their own into the conversation. There is a willingness more than the other 4L types to process out their belief systems and what is true or false, but the FEVL is ultimately looking for a solution or point to sharing raw data. At times, FEVLs can be too agreeable within the logical realm and lose track of what is logically consistent, which is where they benefit greatly in learning formal logic or math. Regardless, this is generally not at the top of their interest list, so they prefer to agree with those that they have deemed knowledgeable and well-meaning. FEVLs may appear extremely heady but once one focuses on the content of what they are sharing, it becomes apparent that they are highly aware of dynamics between people and the logic of the situation is usually not what is being considered. The upside to this gift is that it gives them the ability to be persuasive, likable, and credible, especially if they are the inquisitive archetype of this type.

Officially Typed Notable Examples

Jenny Ortega
FEVL Ice Spice
FEVL Ryan Reynolds
FEVL Nicki Minaj
FEVL Dua Lipa
Ep 110 Charli XCX 1
Ep 113 Mariah Carey 1
Ep 114 Kesha 1
Ep 122 Yayoi Kusama 1
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