LVFE • The Conductor
LVFE is the Attitudinal Psyche type that seems the most interested in strategically conveying their ideas of how the world works to others through philosophical discussions, encouragement, and ingenuity. The LVFE appears to be protecting their vision of the world by pushing it to be objectively testable, consistent, and free from physical barriers. They may come off as lively, intellectually curious, talkative, philosophical, educational, goofy, charismatic, and sometimes politically involved. The LVFE seems to want control over their identity through intellectualizing possibilities, proposing their own truths to others, and deciphering the most ideal conceptual manner to view the world.
1-0 Subtype
The 1-0 subtype is the most difficult to recognize out of the confident attitudes. This type is mostly ambivalent or neutral about their greatest gift in the first attitude. They may have trouble seeing their own patterns of reaction and believe that they truly do not care about the aspect held within. The 1-0 subtype rarely sees themselves as “merged” or “becoming” the aspect and therefore refuses to admit to any sort of selfishness that they may have concerning their confidences. This type can fall asleep to what they bring to the world and how they experience their own ego, so there is a lot of refusing to take ownership or blame over things that they have a hand in causing. However, this restraint can lead to situations where other people underestimate the power of those with this subtype, and in-turn, they feel shocked or surprised by the aggression that can come spilling out. This subtype is the most likely to mistype as another core AP type because they have an ego about not having an ego. The first aspect is mostly obscured.
2-0 Subtype
The 2-0 subtype can be seen as the most to-the-point, no-nonsense, lax, chill, and untalkative of the bunch. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are shy because they often simply do not wish to waste time processing their own internal reactions out loud. They would rather save the processing that happens within the 2nd attitude for their own internal . This type can tend to think that all information regarding the 2nd aspect is obvious so there’s no need to over-process it, but will gladly put themselves in situations where others are discussing the aspect. The positives to this subtype is they are well attuned to keeping themselves from engaging in useless banter and extra information but the negatives are that they can fall into hibernation and cutting themselves off from showing their true selves to others and talking things out that need to be discussed. This type tends to be doubting of both their own positive and negative views of a situation. They often do not care about being overly talkative, seeming curious and interested in the aspect which can lead to mistyping as 3X or 4X. Eternal neutrality is often the resounding theme in their lives which confuses others who see them occasionally give feedback and engage in the aspect.
3-0 Subtype
The 3-0 subtype tends to be the most careless about defending itself. This type wants to ignore all insecurities that crop up in their awareness by neutralizing the problem and moving on. They may refuse to process sensitivities by acting as if nothing bothers them. “It’s fine” is a common phrase they incorporate into their dealings with the 3rd aspect. The 3-0 subtype has a difficult time realizing what the core issue is within themselves because they purposely obscure the feelings of dread as soon as they arise. They can tend to push things off until a later time or adopt a “nothing matters” nihilistic attitude about all things related to the aspect held within. This type is prone to outbursts after long periods of time suppressing their true frustrations and irritations surrounding the 3rd aspect. The aggression that comes spilling out of the 3-0 subtype may not be as explosive as other subtypes but it is memorable for anyone involved due to its surprising nature.
4-1 Subtype
The 4-1 subtype is the most flippant and results focused of the unbothered subtypes. When they do engage in the aspect, they tend to be bold, to-the-point, and quick to pick an answer that seems the most conclusive. This subtype rarely focuses on individuals which gives them an impersonal vibe. They can change their mind at a moment’s notice due to scanning for quick answers when they want them. The 4-1 subtype moves on even quicker than the accentuated subtype which can make them appear 1X. They can often miss details and ignore new suggestions given to them if they think they have the solution for how to do something “the right way”. For this reason, the 4-1 subtype can look shut off from others, preferring to be entirely self-sufficient. This subtype has an urgency about it that is reminiscent of the first attitude, yet it lacks the certainty, confidence, and true emboldened nature that the first attitude displays. They focus on saving time and replacing old ways of doing things with more efficient methods.
**Below are unique elements of your subtype configuration
Flow Aspect
You have a flowing aspect present, which means one of your aspects is pointing at another aspect. This means you will often connect these two aspects together and frequently discuss ideas surrounding the block that is formed. (Ex: VELF 2234 has a flowing aspect from 1-2 to 2-2 which is in the VE block so this person will often discuss motivation whenever V is brought up, mitigating the V conversation to E information.
Highly Obscured
At least two of your aspects are obscured (X-0 subtype), which usually means you will have extra difficulty figuring out your core attitudinal type. You may hide significant portions of your personality to “get along” or “go with the flow”. You may also test as different types depending on your current mood or setting. There is a high chance you are an Enneagram core type 9, 8w9, 1w9, or 6.
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