
LVEF • The Deviser

LVEF is the Attitudinal Psyche type that seems the most interested in coming up with action plans to better understand and integrate knowledge, emotions, and the underpinning of reality that binds these abstractions together. The LVEF appears to be protecting their emotional vulnerability by diverting their focus towards collaboration, gathering data, spurring ideas, and creating seamless opinions based on the objective collected data. They may come off as quiet, astute, perceptive, heady, scientific, level-headed, serious, cooperative, well-mannered, and at times anxious over how they come off to others. The LVEF seems to want control over their identity by creating clear maps of knowledge that reflect how life ebbs and flows in numerous directions.

1-1 Subtype

The 1-1 subtype is the easiest to identify because it is supremely confident and protective over its own understanding of the aspect held within. This is also the most common subtype for the confident attitude and the only common accentuated subtype. This type believes that their greatest gift lies within their ability to come up with quick answers regarding the aspect and will refuse to mitigate its understanding to other parts of the personality. The tendency is for the 1-1 subtype to come up with precise monologues about their opinions. They can come off as rude, cruel, or snappy if one criticizes their confident aspect – but will not see themselves as being this way. Instead, they view their opinions as standalone and obvious, so the internal thoughts are, “Why would I need to explain, as what I said speaks for itself.” However, they are also aware of how they can be harmed and make sure they are constantly developing their skills within the aspect to avoid weakness.

2-0 Subtype

The 2-0 subtype can be seen as the most to-the-point, no-nonsense, lax, chill, and untalkative of the bunch. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are shy because they often simply do not wish to waste time processing their own internal reactions out loud. They would rather save the processing that happens within the 2nd attitude for their own internal . This type can tend to think that all information regarding the 2nd aspect is obvious so there’s no need to over-process it, but will gladly put themselves in situations where others are discussing the aspect. The positives to this subtype is they are well attuned to keeping themselves from engaging in useless banter and extra information but the negatives are that they can fall into hibernation and cutting themselves off from showing their true selves to others and talking things out that need to be discussed. This type tends to be doubting of both their own positive and negative views of a situation. They often do not care about being overly talkative, seeming curious and interested in the aspect which can lead to mistyping as 3X or 4X. Eternal neutrality is often the resounding theme in their lives which confuses others who see them occasionally give feedback and engage in the aspect.

3-1 Subtype

Those with the 3-1 subtype are the most bold and aggressive out of all the third attitude subtypes due to being others-focused. This subtype tends to mitigate to their confident aspect to create a façade of assuredness that enables them to avoid the insecurity and possible anxiety that may arise from engaging in their third aspect on its own. They will often refuse to back down or engage in processing information unless their defenses have been pierced by whoever it is that they are communicating with. They easily point out flaws in other people and can use the finger of shame to shift blame to someone else. This also enables them to deconstruct problems and troubleshoot the “why” in how something went wrong. One must break past the façade to entertain the information that the insecure attitude wishes to process, which is what this subtype does once they feel safe. The 3-1 subtype uses their reactive and sensitive nature to draw up fortitude in protecting against what they think could harm them even if the affront is slight or negligible. By focusing on what is wrong with the outside world they can distract themselves from processing out their own insecurity.

4-1 Subtype

The 4-1 subtype is the most flippant and results focused of the unbothered subtypes. When they do engage in the aspect, they tend to be bold, to-the-point, and quick to pick an answer that seems the most conclusive. This subtype rarely focuses on individuals which gives them an impersonal vibe. They can change their mind at a moment’s notice due to scanning for quick answers when they want them. The 4-1 subtype moves on even quicker than the accentuated subtype which can make them appear 1X. They can often miss details and ignore new suggestions given to them if they think they have the solution for how to do something “the right way”. For this reason, the 4-1 subtype can look shut off from others, preferring to be entirely self-sufficient. This subtype has an urgency about it that is reminiscent of the first attitude, yet it lacks the certainty, confidence, and true emboldened nature that the first attitude displays. They focus on saving time and replacing old ways of doing things with more efficient methods.


**Below are unique elements of your subtype configuration

Double Flow Aspect

You have a double flowing aspect present, which means two of your aspects are pointing at another aspect. This means you will often connect these three aspects together and frequently discuss ideas surrounding the blocks that are formed. (Ex: VELF 2224 has a double flowing aspect from 1-2 to 2-2 and 3-2 to 2-2 which are in the VE and LE blocks so this person will often discuss motivation or education whenever V or E is brought up, mitigating the V and L conversation to E information.

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