The 1L attitude is characterized by a self-positive (Ls+), and others-negative (Lo-) disposition. This disposition creates an attitude that is acutely aware of its own strengths within the realm of logic. 1Ls understand their own power within this aspect and generally want to protect it at all costs. All incoming logical information from others must be pushed through the 1L’s subjective interpretation before it is accepted. The strategies that each 1L employs may differ in behavior or execution but the core attitude of subjective protection over what they believe is their greatest asset will be consistent and true for all 1Ls. Below are some common beliefs and behaviors that you may see with 1Ls. Please keep in mind that these are generalities and do not represent the vast sub-archetypes held within the overall 1L attitude.
Certain • Sufficient • Strong • Aggressive • Subjective • Vulnerable • Flippant • Local • Distinct
Attitudinal Beliefs
• Believes that their own ideas and versions of the truth are supreme.
• Trusts that their map of how things operate in the world is correct.
• Credits themselves for coming up with new opinions and changing their own mind.
• Trusts that they have superior puzzle solving abilities.
• Presumes that they know the causal links and imperative details that underlie logical constructs.
• Expects that others will either listen to and accept their opinions or leave them alone.
• Feels justified in changing their opinions whenever they desire.
• Knows that they can generate their own version of the truth in any situation.
• Assumes that they can find answers and land on the correct option despite hurdles.
• Believes that their own guidelines and logical rules are superior to others.
• Assumes that their calculations are correct by default until proven otherwise.
• Believes that their capacity to mentally organize information is paramount to their survival.
• Trusts that they can find unknown variables in situations where others may miss them.
• Figures that others’ opinions are only relevant if they are filtered through the 1L’s mind.
• Presumes that others are mostly wrong and can be corrected if necessary to an end goal.
• Feels correct by default until opinions need updated for a specific purpose.
• Knows that their concept of the world makes up the essence of who they are.
• Believes that all knowledge can be attained by the self.
• Trusts that their arguments are solid.
• Credits their own mind for their thriving in the world.