A block is formed when two aspects come together in Attitudinal Psyche. Each block has a dominant (written first) and supporting (written second) aspect which can be inverted to reveal the block pair. There are a total of 12 blocks, and 6 block pairs which all reign over particular sub-aspects of reality. The blocks are placed into the functions to create the 6 unique dichotomies, gifts, and traps of the AP types.

VL – Expertise

The aspect combination that reigns over punditry, expertise, and using logic and details to push an agenda or particular way of being.

LV – Action Planning

The aspect combination that reigns over action plans, scheming, diagramming, and using volition to organize a specific philosophy, detailed standards or set of rules.

VF – Command

The aspect combination that reigns over command, control, and organizing the environment to meet desires, expectations and push an agenda or particular way of being.

FV – Composition

The aspect combination that reigns over composition, configuration, survival and gathering available willpower to meet task objectives and physical needs or desires.

VE – Motivation

The aspect combination that reigns over motivation, provocation, pushing, teamwork and using the connections between individuals to push an agenda or particular way of being.

EV – Inspiration

The aspect combination that reigns over inspiration, diplomacy, encouragement, and using willpower and decision-making to fulfill an emotional inclination or need.

LF – Precision

The aspect combination that reigns over precision, detailed analysis, accuracy, and using the senses and physical energy to organize a specific philosophy, or set of rules.

FL – Logistics

The aspect combination that reigns over logistics, coordination, surveillance, prospecting, and using logic and details to meet task objectives and physical needs or desires.

LE – Education

The aspect combination that reigns over education, pedagogy, enlightenment, ideology, and using the connections between individuals to organize a specific philosophy, or set of rules.

EL – Artistry

The aspect combination that reigns over artistry, vocalization, correspondence, description, and using logic and details to fulfill an emotional inclination or need.

FE – Enjoyment

The aspect combination that reigns over enjoyment, hedonism, pleasure, and using the connections between individuals to meet task objectives and physical needs or desires.

EF – Excitement

The aspect combination that reigns over excitement, passion, portrayal, entertainment and using the senses and physical energy to fulfill an emotional inclination or need.


The Clubs are 6 groupings of AP types that share the same two aspects in either the Confident (1st) or Flexible (2) positions. The Clubs are shallow similarities in attitude that color the appearance of each type. The closer one examines the types within a club, the quicker the differences are seen. However, there is value in identifying the Clubs due to the common similar interests in fields of study and career. These similarities are simply patterns not rules.

The Adept Club


The Adept Club types are interested in becoming experts at enacting their vision. These types tend to be highly technical and geared towards mastery of their interests. It is common to find these types as pundits, thought leaders, cutting edge technology developers, or specialists of their trade. If anyone needs expert advice, the types in this club are where to go.

The Vigorous Club


The Vigorous Club types are highly energetic both physically and volitionally. They are usually exceptionally present in their bodies and are constantly on the move. The types in this club can amass a lot of possessions due to the robust experiences they find themselves a part of throughout their lives. If something needs done, these types will do it.

The Spirited Club


The Spirited Club types are generally expressive idea generators. These types are able to motivate and inspire those around them with relative ease. One may find the types in this club leading communities, taking responsibility for groups of others, or engaging in activities that bring people together. If anyone needs uplifted, these are the types to consult.

The Thorough Club


The Thorough Club types are interested in systematizing the ways they perceive their environment. These types tend to rigorously explore details and desire accuracy. It is common to find these types as technical experts, historians, merchants, or organization implementers. If something needs a thorough second look, these are your types to consult.

The Enlightened Club


The Enlightened Club types are interested in higher communication between individuals. These types tend to focus on how information affects people, so there’s a strong fascination in how its distributed. It is common to find these types as teachers, editors, philosophers, actors, or writers. Lengthy discussions are common within this Club.

The Festive Club


The Festive Club types are interested in how their environment affects their mood states. These types tend to explore the aesthetic atmosphere in depth. It is common to find them as planners, designers, caretakers, creatives, artists, musicians, or organizers. If something needs a festive touch, consult these types to bring the collective state of mind to life.